L.Dolkar’s Collage

Nature & Mankind

What do you see, when you look at the nature? Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it peaceful? When I look at nature, it gives me a sense of calmness and makes me feel happy. Anytime I am stressed out or feeling anxious, I like to be out in the nature and meditate, or go for a stroll. It makes me feel lighter, and calmer. For instance, these images below, gives me a sense of serenity. It gives me a sense of hope and how anything is possible.

Doesn’t it make you wonder, how magical the nature is? How astonishingly beautiful it is. Nature provides us with free air to breathe, and free water to drink. But look at what we mankind are doing to it! How are we repaying the kindness! Even the water that was free is now so polluted, that most of us have sorted to buying bottled water.

We are destroying the nature, the earth; our home. We are not thinking about the consequences. We are not thinking about the future. What we leave behind is legacy. Do we really want to leave all these pollutions as legacies to our future children, grandchildren or great grandchildren?

The article below shows 11 facts about what pollution is doing to our environment. How it is causing lives of people, wildlife animals and sea animals. https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-pollution And we are responsible for what is happening to our environment.

The graph below shows global sulphur dioxide pollution.

According to this article https://ourworldindata.org/air-pollution#deaths-from-air-pollution-by-region “Globally, it’s estimated that outdoor particulate air pollution resulted in 2.9 million deaths in 2017; this represents an increase from 1.7 million in 1990. The chart below details the number of deaths by region.”

The saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, is true because if we do not take care of our environment and neglect it, it will make it worse. This will lead to greater consequences than compared to the ones we are currently facing today. We are responsible for what happens to our environment, so we must take proper care of it.

So based on all these, I created my collage to show how we are destroying our earth, our home.

Collage of Nature and How Mankind is treating it

I used 3 different images for this collage. The first image which is of a scenery with a beautiful sunset, mountains, river, and a deer is to show how beautiful nature is. The second image which is slightly transparent than the first one, is of a circle, which represents earth. When you look at it closely, you will see things like plastic cups, umbrellas, buttons, forks, socks, plastic bags etc. This is a visual representation of how we are destroying our home by neglecting and polluting it. The third image which is slightly more transparent than the circle, is of a half and half image. In this image, you can see how the left side is livelier and prettier with roses blooming. However, on the right side, you can see an image of skull which represents death and instead of flowers, you see dead roots and stem. I used fotojet to create my collage. I used tools like opacity, cropping and resizing and played around with it a little bit. I used the first image to set as a background. Then I used the second image of the circle, and resized it, and then used the opacity tool to make it lighter. Then I used the third image and resized it, cropped it and then used the opacity tool again. It was fun creating this collage even though it was a bit challenging at first.

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